Mrs. Ryder

6th grade language arts

** Please refer to my Google Classroom on a daily basis for announcements and assignments.**

Welcome to 6th grade language arts with Mrs. Ryder! I hope you had a fun, relaxing summer and are ready now for all the fun, challenges, hard work, and opportunities that BTMS has to offer. I am looking forward to co-teaching period 7 with Mr. Steinberg this year and getting to know all of you!

I am excited that you and your child are part of our crew for this year!

Period 3 Google Classroom:

Period 4 Google Classroom:

Period 6 Google Classroom:

Period 7 Google Classroom:

The Burlington Township School District is committed to making our website accessible for students, staff, and the community. You may request information in an alternate format. Please contact the community relations office to make requests.

Frequently asked questions: September 2021

Q: What supplies will my child need for language arts this year?

A: Students need the following for LA:

  • A notebook! You have a choice of the following:

    • A three-ring binder - you may choose to carry a binder solely for LA or designate a section in a larger binder for LA. It is completely up to you, just be sure to have a supply of loose leaf paper for your binder!


*A spiral notebook for LA ONLY. If you chose a spiral notebook. please do not

share it with other classes.

  • A folder designated for LA ONLY.

  • Plenty of pens and pencils.

  • A highlighter.

Please bring these supplies to class EVERY day!

Q: How much homework will my child have in language arts?

A: Homework will vary; there will be some assignments that span over a few days, and some assignments that are given for a particular night. In addition to written homework assignments, students are expected to read independently for at least 20-30 minutes, 4-5 nights a week.

Q: How can we find out what the homework is for the night?

A: The best way to find out what the homework is will be to ask your child. Homework is written on the board when it is assigned, and students are given plenty of time to copy the assignment into their agenda book. We work very hard in the classroom to help our students become as independent and responsible as possible; we appreciate your help at home as well!

Most of the time, homework will also be posted in Google Classroom, just in case you need to double check.

Q: Do you accept late homework assignments?

A: Yes. As per school policy, assignments are accepted ONE DAY late only, and only for half credit.

Q: What should my child do if he/she is absent?

A: It is imperative that your child takes responsibility for him/herself to find out, in a timely fashion, what classwork and homework they missed during their absence. He/She will be expected to complete and hand in missed work by the due date they are given.

If your child misses class for lessons, rehearsal, practice or a meeting, he/she is still responsible for handing in homework on its original due date and obtaining homework for that night. Students do not get extra time to complete a homework assignment if they simply miss class for lessons, rehearsal, or a meeting.

If your child misses class for an extended period of time due to COVID related quarantining, the office and nurse will provide further information about instruction and missed classes.

Q: What’s the best way to get in touch with you?

A: Email. You can email Mrs. Ryder at and Mr. Steinberg at . We do our best to respond to emails within 24 hours.

Q: Are there any materials and/or supplies that you accept as donations?

A: Yes! Thanks so much for asking! We always appreciate donations of tissues, hand sanitizer, and/or pencils (believe it or not – we always run out of pencils as the year progresses).

Also – if you happen to have any unused bean bag and/or reading chairs that are in excellent condition but are neglected at your house, I would be happy to take them off your hands.

Q: When is Back to School Night?

A: Tuesday, September 14. Back to School Night is virtual again this year; please be on the lookout for further communication about how to join our Google Meet that evening!

Q: What if I have a question that was not answered here?

A: Please don’t hesitate to ask! Get in touch with us at your earliest convenience and we will be happy to address any of your comments, questions, or concerns!

Thanks for your support at home! We’re looking forward to a great year!

Instructions for Accessing Collections Textbook

from Home

    1. Type in

    2. Log in using the username and password given to you in class.

    3. From the Dashboard, select “Student eBook”

    4. Select the “Contents” icon on the upper left side of the screen.

    5. Look for the Collection's name (e.g., Facing Fear)

    6. Look for the story title (e.g., “The Ravine”)

    7. Select “Read the Text” to read the story, or “After Reading” to complete assignments.

Mrs. Whitney Ryder

699-4021 ext. 6386