
Troop 98's 7 Pillars of Virtual Scouting: 

1. Best of BSA content • 2. Turn in-person → virtual • 3. Youth leaders plan + deliver • 4. Involve Scouts before, during and after • 5. Personal connections • 6. Skilled delivery • 7. Strive for normalcy  This page is best viewed on a computer screen (vs. a smartphone)

Goals and Delivery Philosophy

Community Service Ideas:

Age-level content

Gather on this page curated, specific examples (not broad ideas) of Den Meeting programs which are well-suited to digital delivery.

Parts of a Den Meeting [training LINK]

Technical Guidance and Tips

Tips and tricks for best-in-class digital delivery.

Virtual Cub Meeting 2 FITNESS - Complete slide deck for Virtual Cub Scout meeting on Fitness

Social Distancing Patch - Use this patch or sticker to promote social distancing guidelines, remind scout families that Scouting continues through difficult times, or surprise your scouts at the next Pack meeting after experiencing this global event together. This patch is meant as a fun way to recognize Cub Scouts