Year 1's

Year 0 and Year 1 students are learning all about beat - playing along with it, moving to it and keeping it using body percussion.

They will be learning how to move around freely in space, respecting each other's areas of movement and listening for changes in tempo, dynamics and in the instruments used in music.

There will be opportunities to learn dances using simple dance movements and counting in 4's.

Instruments used this year will be untuned percussion, that's drums, shakers, guiros, claves etc - they'll be used in many different ways but always with the strong emphasis on keeping the beat.

Discovering and using a singing voice and learning to pitch this correctly with songs and singing games is an important part of the Soundspace programme.

In Dance Year 1 students will be learning to move co operatively and in a big open space. They will learn to recognise the dance elements of body, space, time relationships and to experiment with each of these. Different types of dance will be explored along with investigating the varying purposes of dance and the role of performer and audience.

In Drama Year 1 students will be learning about recognising various roles and experimenting with taking on a role themselves. They will investigate some different types of drama and how they fit into drama as both performer and audience member.