Ugur Cetintemel
Khosrowshahi University Professor of Computer Science
Brown University
Box 1910, 115 Waterman Street, Room 437, CIT
Providence, RI 02912
Research Interests
Data management and engineering
Data science systems and applications
Distributed systems
Select Articles (more complete list at dblp)
Machine Learning & Database Systems
VectraFlow: Integrating Vectors into Stream Processing (CIDR'25)
DeepSqueeze: Deep Semantic Compression for Tabular Data (SIGMOD'20)
The Case for a Learned Sorting Algorithm (SIGMOD'20)
A Fully Pluggable NL2SQL Training Pipeline (SIGMOD'20)
DBPal: A Learned Natural Language Interface for Database Systems (SIGMOD'18)
Making the Case for Query-by-Voice with EchoQuery (SIGMOD16)
Portable Workload Performance Prediction in the Cloud (ICDE'13)
Learning-based Query Performance Modeling and Prediction (ICDE'12)
Performance Prediction for Concurrent Database Workloads (SIGMOD'11)
The Case for Predictive Database Systems: Opportunities and Challenges (CIDR'11)
Database Support for Continuous Prediction Queries over Streaming Data (PVLDB'10)
Applied Data Engineering
End-to-end artificial intelligence platform for the management of large vessel occlusions: a preliminary study (Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol 31, No 11, 2022)
Detecting Large Vessel Occlusion at Multiphase CT Angiography by Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network (Radiology, Vol 297, No 3, 2020)
Modern Hardware for Database Systems
A Morsel-Driven Query Execution Engine for Multi-Cores (VLDB'19)
Revisiting Reuse in Main Memory Database Systems (SIGMOD'17)
SiliconDB: Rethinking DBMSs for Modern Heterogeneous Co-Processor Environments (DaMoN'17)
An Architecture for Compiling UDF-centric Workflows (PVLDB'15)
Tupleware: "Big" Data, Big Analytics, Small Clusters (CIDR'15)
Data Exploration
Dynamic Query Refinement for Interactive Data Exploration (EDBT'20)
Interactive Search and Exploration of Waveform Data with Searchlight (SIGMOD'16)
Searchlight: Enabling Integrated Search and Exploration over Large Multidimensional Data (PVLDB'15)
Interactive Data Exploration using Semantic Windows (SIGMOD'14)
Stream Processing