2016-11-15 Nota Bene and Perusall

Tuesday 11/15/2016

Learning Objectives -- by the end of this session you will be able to

  • explain how students connect to and use Nota Bene

  • create your own NotaBene class, upload papers, add students, check student participation, and visualize student comments

  • decide how you might want to use Nota Bene or Perusall in your classes

Formative Assessments --

    • we will have you use Nota Bene as a student and engage in discussion about its ease of use (or lack thereof)

    • we will have you create your own (mock?) class and practice using it with this group as your class

    • we will discuss the educational benefits of social reading and how to scale it to a large class

Activity -- Intro and Overview

We introduce each other and Tim gives a brief overview of Social Reading and discusses how Nota Bene and Perusall differ. Here is a link to a site describing Nota Bene and linking to some research papers about its use:



Tutorial: http://people.csail.mit.edu/sacha/nb/tut-latest/

Activity -- Connecting to Nota Bene as a student

We all connect to Nota Bene and make a few comments on a paper about Nota Bene. The link is


Activity -- Overview of Nota Bene in practice

Tim shows everyone some examples of students using Nota Bene in his classes.

Activity -- Creating a class

We go through the steps of creating a class, adding students (each other), uploading a pdf into a folder, etc.