Poffo's limericks

By Poffo Honeydew

I was fishing when a fish struck

I landed him quickly  what luck!

I held up my prize,

The fish rolled its eyes

And then it threw up on me  Yuk!

Poems like this I can not compose

With nasty smells in my nose

But this one was easy

I only felt quesy

Because I was smelling my toes.

A Lankyshank friend of mine,

Asked me Poffo when is dinnertime,

I replied, "At eleven,

At three, five, and seven,

And eight and at a quarter past nine

A feller jumped off a high wall

And had a most terrible fall

He went back to bed

With a bump on his head

That's why yer don't jump off a wall

Flounder fillet is simply delicious

It is one of my favorite dishes

Enhance it with pork

Then hand me a fork

And my stomach will get what it wishes

I once took a lass to tea;

It was just as I thought it would be

 Her rumblings abdominal

Were simply phenomenal,

And everyone thought it was me.