Cultural Studies

Credits: 1 -- 2 terms

Prerequisites: Placement by Division Coordinator

Level: Freshman required

Course Description:

In this introductory high school social studies class, stu­dents will engage in an in-depth study of the many elements of culture. Major emphasis will be placed upon practical, real life applications of culture. Students will focus their study upon selected regions of the developed and developing world, as well as cultural life in Batavia and Illinois. This approach will enable students to experience and appreciate the significance of culture in their lives, from both a global and local perspective. Throughout the semester, students will be introduced to a broad offering of topics in the social sci­ences, including geography, government, history, economics, sociology, as well as current local, state, national, and global events/issues. This required freshman course will also introduce stu­dents to fundamental skills and concepts in the social sciences that will continue to be built upon with subsequent required social science courses to be taken in the sophomore, junior and senior years. These skills and concepts include, but are not limited to research, reading, writing, computer technol­ogy, oral presentation, and critical thinking.