Mrs. Conley's Page 

Welcome to my page.  A little about myself.........

This is my 18th year teaching PE--my first 8 years were in California at Concord High School and the past 10 here at Riverglen Junior High.

I received my BS in Physical Education at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA in 1983--yes, that makes me old.

After graduating from college I spent 15 years in the health club industry as a personal trainer before going back to school to get my teaching credential--best move I ever made.

I have lived in Boise, ID since 2012 and I absolutely love it here!

I have 2 children--a boy who's 33 and a girl who's 29--they are both now Boise, Idaho residents.  Yay!

I love to stay active and especially love taking advantage of the outdoor activities that Idaho has to offer.

My husband and I are in the process of working on our bucket list of seeing all the National Parks in the USA before we leave this planet.  We started the summer of 2016 and we've already knocked off 26 National Parks as of the summer of 2023.

I love teaching PE because it helps keep me active and I want to transfer that love to my students.

Feel free to contact me at with any questions or concerns.