Your support of BWHS Music students is valued, whether you can support by attending a concert, participating in a fundraiser, or by donating directly. Your support makes it possible to continue providing musical education and opportunities for BWHS students. Please consider donating to help us continue to serve your students! Thank you!
Your support of BWHS Music students is valued, whether you can support by attending a concert, participating in a fundraiser, or by donating directly. Your support makes it possible to continue providing musical education and opportunities for BWHS students. Please consider donating to help us continue to serve your students! Thank you!
To donate online, follow the link or scan the QR code to donate to the department of your choice.
Department Staff
Department Staff
Band Director:
Choral Director:
Orchestra Director:
Music Secretary:
Steve Patton, 281-5739,
Angie Langeliers, 281-5746,
Harmony Hoover, 281-5767,
Erinn Ackley, 281-5738,