Joshuah Heath

Welcome to my website

I am a Ph.D. student at Boston College in the group of Prof. Kevin Bedell. I obtained my Bachelor of Science degrees in physics and mathematics in 2015 from the University of Vermont.

My main research interests lie in the field of condensed matter theory, where I use a combination of computational and analytic techniques to study exotic phases of highly-correlated matter. Specifically, I apply techniques in many-body perturbation theory and utilize diagrammatics to understand the fundamental components of strongly interacting materials and make macroscopic predictions that can be tested in the lab.

Please feel free to explore this site and look at my current research projects, papers, presentations, or my virtual seminar series ("Quantum Fluids in Isolation"). If you have any questions, please email me at

To see my CV, click here.

Main Research Interests

Can we build a robust metallic liquid of nearly self-conjugate quasiparticles?

Can we extend the Landau quasiparticle paradigm in the presence of weak quantum criticality?

Does the presence of a non-trivial gauge field modify the traditional Landau-Fermi liquid?

Contact me


Twitter: @JoshuahHeath

Office: Higgins 328, 140 Commonwealth Ave.

Chestnut Hill, MA