Ms. DeWitt

My e-mail address -

Chemistry, Physical Science & Geology


College of Notre Dame, Belmont CA

BS Chemistry w/Biochem emphasis

San Diego State University

Teaching Credential


My father was in the American Foreign Service, so as a child I traveled around the world. I have lived in Germany (born there), Afghanistan, Iran, Chile, London, Washington D.C. and Tijuana. When I married, we moved to Washington (my husbands home state). We celebrated 33 years this year. I have been teaching in the Battle Ground School District since 2002.

My Message

Welcome to my webpage. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to e-mail me.

This is my e-mail address, the link is at the top of this page.

The best way to tell when an assignment is due, is to check the CLASS CALENDARS choice under NAVIGATION.

Many of the assignments that are handed out, are posted here under FILES. Look for your topic name. They are also by class.

Unfortunately I cannot help you with Skywards peccadillos.

I enter assignments ahead of time so as to let folks know what is coming and the points they are worth. Skyward automatically indicates that they are missing.

The way to tell if an assignment is actually missing is to look for a zero "0". If there is a zero, it means that the student has received no points for that assignment and it is actually missing.

If there is no zero, than the assignment has not been entered.