Latchkey is currently full at both Barberton Intermediate School and Barberton Primary School.
We will start a waiting list and will add students as staffing allows.
Thank you.
Pay with cash, check (made out to Barberton City Schools), or money order to Magic Act staff when dropping off or picking up the student.
Pay online through Payschools Central.
Go to Barberton City Schools website and click on "Parents and Family" dropdown menu and select "Payschools Central."
Log in or create an account.
From the dashboard, click on "All Fees", then click on "Optional Fees."
Select either "Latchkey Payment BIS" or "Latchkey Payment BPS".
*Important! Payschools Central does not keep track of Magic Act balances! Latchkey staff will send a copy of the student's ledger each week to keep parents updated on the account.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up
BPS: Please drop off or pick up students by parking in the second lot off of Shannon Ave. Use the main entrance off of that parking lot. At the door, there is a button labeled "Latchkey". Press the button and Magic Act staff will assist you.
BIS: Please drop off or pick up students using the U-shaped driveway off of Third Street. Park against the curb and go through the gate to the main entrance off of the play area. At the door, there is a button labeled "Latchkey." Press the button and Magic Act staff will assist you.
*Important: Please have photo identification with you when picking up a student from Magic Act.