
I love what I teach. I love literature because it helps me make sense of this world and the people in it. Through composing I discover more about myself and those around me than I thought I knew. I'm learning right alongside the students in my classroom. My hope is that I empower learners with the tools to be critical, creative citizens in a world in need of people who can communicate clearly and thoughtfully.

I teach DMACC Composition 105/106, Introduction to Literature (LIT 101), Contemporary Literature (LIT 185,) Creative Writing, Independent Reading, and Advanced American Studies this year. (How's that for a list of classes! Never a dull moment!) Assignments are generally assigned through Google Classroom. Students can give parents access to their Google Classroom assignments. You can find syllabi, assignments, due dates, rubrics, and supporting materials on Google Classroom. Grades and missing assignments can be found on the Ballard Infinite Campus site.

I am a Ballard High School graduate and call the Ballard Community home. My wife is the Teacher Librarian in the Ballard District. We both attended Simpson College in Indianola and UNI for our master's programs. We're proud to raise our children in this district.

English Teacher


Phone: 515-597-2971