2023-2Q: [REPT] BDC (Broadband Data Collection) Reports

Related Link:                               https://help.bdc.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/categories/5287727691803-Biannual-BDC-Filers 

Azotel has implemented two new BDC reports in SIMPLer, which has replace everything relating to Form 477, previously.  This report page can be found on the Dashboard, under the 'Tools' section. 

The great benefit of this, is that the report is available almost instantly (in less than 30 seconds).

The two BDC Reports that have been implemented are:

    1. ) FBS - Fixed Broadband Subscription

    2.) FVS - Fixed Voice Subscription

  1.) Fixed Broadband Subscription

1.1)     Each customer has to have the following information defined, in order to be included in the report:


   - Speed - (Up/Down) from bucket

    - GEOID - calculated from GPS coordinates:

Fig 1: GPS Coordinated

  - Technology Code - There are a few different sections this can be taken from (in order of priority):

a.) Directly from customer account settings:

Fig 2: BDC - Tech Code (Customer Account)

b.) From the basestation the customer is connected to:

Fig 3: BDC - Default Tech Code

    c.) From the product the customer is subscribed to:

Fig 4: Techcode Products

    d.) If the Tech code is not defined anywhere, it will default to main SPID settings - BDC - Default Tech Code:

Fig 5: Broadband Data Collection - SPID 

    1.2) Configuration:

As per the screenshot above (Fig 5), there are few configuration options under SPID settings:

(a) BDC - "Residential" Customer Types - if it is empty then "customer home" is treated as residential. If you need to specify list of residential types enter them separately by commas like "customer home,residential" etc.

(b) BDC - Data Used - customers will be included in the report based on their startdate (default) or installation date

(c)   BDC - Enable Section - self explanatory

      (d) BDC - Product Based -Techcode Custom Field ID - if an Operator wishes to use products to define BDC techcode - this way customer techcode will be calculated based on the product that they subscribe to (note - if this option is used then customers without a proper product will not be included in the report unless they have a techcode defined under 'customer settings' (some customers could just be VoIP customers,  for example) 

The Custom Field  needs to be defined and it has to match the number entered under "BDC - Product Based -Techcode Custom Field ID" (27):

Fig 6: Custom Field ID - 27

 2.) Fixed Voice Subscription 


In order to use this functionality "BDC - VoIP Service Type Custom Field ID" must be defined (as per Fig 5) and it must match the custom field ID,          accordingly (28):

Fig 7: Custom Field ID - 28

A customer will be included in the report if they are subscribed to a VoIP product that has this custom field defined:

Fig 8: BDC - Voice Service Type

       3.) Report Page

The Report Page can be found under Dashboard > Tools > BDC Reports:

Fig 9: BDC Reports - Dashboard

   The Report page will look as follows:

Fig 10.1: BDC Report Page

Fig 10.2: Fixed Voice Subscription Historic File (CSV)

 - on July 1, 2023 it will say Jun 30, 2023

 - on Jan 1, 2024 it will say Dec 31st, 2023

and so on...

Published Date: 12 May 2023

Engineer: PD

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