2023-4Q: [REPT] Revenue per site Reports

Three new reports have been added to Tools > Reports to assist Operators with their reporting.

These new reports are listed below and contain the following information:

1. Revenue per site - Residential (Last Month)

Number of Residential Customers / Monthly Residential Revenue by Site / Percentage of Overall Monthly Residential Revenue by Site 

2. Revenue per site  - Business (Last Month)

Number of Commercial Customers / Monthly Commercial Revenue by Site / Percentage of Overall Monthly Commercial Revenue by Site 

3. Revenue per site (Last Month)

  Number of Total Customers / Monthly Total Revenue by Site

To make use of this feature:

    1. Go To Tools > Reports, on the top menu bar and select the report you would like to generate or export:

Fig 1: Tools > Repots > Revenue per Site

  2. You can set up auto Report Cronjobs if you would like to have these reports automatically emailed to you every month

  3. To do this, go to Settings > Cronjobs and set up the auto reports:

Fig 2: Auto Report Cronjob setup

Published Date: 25 Oct 2023

Engineer: PD

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