2023-3Q: [CRM] 1-Click unsubscribe to marketing emails

By law, in some countries, Operators are required to provide the ability / option for customers to be able to opt-out and unsubscribe from marketing, or promotional emails, in just one click. A new feature has been added to SIMPLer to improve the Mass Email  functionality and it allows the customer the ability to do just this.

To make use of this feature:

    1. You need to go to Settings -> Modify SPID and update the following options:

(a) Unsubscribe Marketing Link - Error Message - this is the message the customer will see if something goes wrong, (e.g they have already unsubscribed, the link is  expired, etc.) make it as generic as possible to cover all scenarios

(b) Unsubscribe Marketing Link - Success Message - this is the message the customer will see if the process of removing marketing email subscription was successful.

(c) Unsubscribe Marketing Link - the link will be generated automatically, but you will need to enter the text that is displayed, for example, "Unsubscribe" - this enables the functionality

(d) Unsubscribe Marketing Link - Expiration Period - here you defined how long the link is active, eg. 14 days, 1 month etc - it is a mandatory field to have this functioning properly.

Fig 1: SPID Settings - Unsubscribe Marketing

  2. This functionality is enabled from the 'Mass Mail' section in SIMPLer.

Note: it will only work if you send email specifically to 'marketing enabled' customers, ie, this option needs to be pre-selected on the customer's account (if you send email without this option selected, the unsubscribe link will not appear):

Fig 2: 'Only  Marketing Group Enabled' -> Yes

Published Date: 13 Jul 2023

Engineer: PD

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