2023-3Q: [CRM] Custom Fields: User Rights

A new feature has been added to enhance the User Right functionality, for Custom Fields. Previously we had a 'Custom Field' User Right, but this was for all custom fields. You were not able to determine which Custom Fields could be viewed by a user, or not (It was all, or nothing)

These new Rights are driven by Custom Field 'Groups' and not per individual Custom Field.

To make use of this feature:

    1. Go to the 'User Details / User Rights' section in SIMPLer and scroll to 'custom fields':


Fig 1: User Rights > custom fields

  2. By default, every SIMPLer user will have 'all groups' right selected which allows them to see all custom fields

3. To limit the access you would need to:

4. Note that there is a 'no group' option as well, that represents all custom fields that have no group defined

Useful link/s: 


Published Date: 11 Aug 2023

Engineer: MG

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