2023-1Q [CRM] Voice Contracts

A new feature (or set of features, which bind together) has been added to SIMPLer, that allows operators the ability to add voice contracts.

The voice Contracts Flow would be as follows:

Bank account details are marked as coming from channel "voice", are validated via external bank validation module and set to read-only

Once they are entered, the validation mechanism checks and corrects BIC and two emails are generated:

(i) Email To Customer that contains all the information about bank account details gathered with a PDF copy

(ii) Email To Operator informing about successful mandate sign-up

A PDF copy is also stored under the operator's FTP server

To make use of this feature:

    1.  Operator API: 

assignSingleAttachments function has been updated to work with the external clients to be able to successfully upload attachment information into the attachment table, of SIMPLer platform.

(a) 'filename' parameter has been revised and incorrect path details have been removed

(b) 'type' parameter has been added to the function. It is an optional parameter. Once provided, it should be set to "voice".  It can be extended to take other types in the future.

    2.  Attachments - Type:

A new Option called "Type" has been added to the attachments (electronic documents) section. It has two values at the moment "default" & "voice". It  is possible to mark an attachment as "voice" in order to be able to seperate it from other attachments

Fig 1Attachment Type - voice

  3.  User Right: Attachments -> voice:

This user right protects who can get access to "voice" attachments. It does not restrict the user from adding "voice" attachment, however if they do not  have this user right, they will not be able to get access to it later.

Fig 2: User Right > Attachments > voice

    4.  Send and Save Document (no signature):

This function generates & sends a document to a customer. The document does not require a signature. Document is also being pushed to external FTP server.

Under 'Generate Electronic Documents' > Send document to customer > Send & Save Document (no signature) and then 'Send Document'

Fig 3: 'Generate Electronic Documents' > Send document to customer 

Fig 3.1: Send & Save Document (no signature)

    5.  ApplyFinancial module in SIMPLer.

The ApplyFinancial module has been extended for use in SIMPLer (it was limited to EUP). ApplyFinancial takes IBAN and is able to check its accuracy, direct debit capabilities and pull BIC out of IBAN. With a set of additional local features it is configured to do more.

You will find this under Settings > Modify 3rd PArty Modules

Fig 4: 3rd Pary Modules

Fig 4.1: 3rd Pary Modules

(a)  USE_IN_SIMPLER flag - if it's set to "1" applyFinancial will be enabled in SIMPLer. Attempt to add IBAN will be verified and validated - incorrect IBANs will not be allowed to be saved and an error message will appear.

Fig 5: Bank Account Details

(b) Auto-BIC - BIC is pulled from applyFinancial  to minimise errors from BIC being entered by CSR. It will be checked and updated if not correct, based on the IBAN provided. This is feature does not require additional options to be enabled .

(c) ALLOWED_COUNTRY_CODES_VOICE_CHANNEL - dedicated option per voice channel. All other channels will use a list defined under ALLOWED_COUNTRY_CODES. Adding an IBAN with a country code that is different from what is  on the list will fail.

6.  Voice Direct Debits / Mandates / Bank Accounts:

(a)  Channel - In order to be able to separate bank account details added via phone call, a new channel function has been implemented. It allows CSR to mark bank account details as "voice" or leave them as default (blank). Note that bank account details added via EUP will be marked as EUP.

Fig 6: Channel: Voice

(b) User Right - You can set this under Settings -> Customers -> bank details - delete voice. This user right prevents unauthorised users from deleting bank account details that were entered and marked as "voice".

Fig 7: Bank details - delete voice

(c) SPID setting - EFT Added via Voice - Read Only. It marks a bank account marked as "voice" as read-only. It will not be possible to modify bank account details if it is already added as "voice"

Fig 8: EFT Added via Voice - Read Only

(d) SPID setting - SEPA: Voice - Send Customer Signup Email . This option enables email functionality. 

Fig 9:  SEPA: Voice - Send Customer Signup Email 

There are two additional configuration settings:

(i) email template - voice_sepa_signup

available variables:
















(ii) pdf template - defined under Templates -> Attachments

(e) SPID setting SEPA: Voice - Send Email to Operator on successful signup.  This option enables email functionality. As value it accepts recipient email address

Fig 10: EPA: Voice - Send Email to Operator on successful signup

email template -  voice_sepa_signup_operator

available variables:








(f) SPID settingSEPA: Voice - Signup Doc - Electronic Document Field ID 

Fig 11: SEPA: Voice - Signup Doc - Electronic Document Field ID 

This should point to the electronic document used as a source for the PDF generated & attached to the email sent out to the customer & saved on the FTP server. Electronic Document can be set & configured under Settings -> Electronic Documents. PDF template can be configured under Templates -> Attachments

(g) SPID setting SEPA: Voice - Signup Doc - Store Under Electronic Docs 

Fig 12: SEPA: Voice - Signup Doc - Store Under Electronic Docs 

This enables Voice Signup Doc to be stored under external FTP server

Published Date: 11  January 2023

Engineer: P.D

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