2021-4Q: [REPT] Sales Metric Report

A report that allows an Operator to view Sales made within a certain time period per Product and Salesman.

To make use of this report:

    1. Hover over “Settings” and click => Custom Fields  

Set up a Custom Field, e.g. “Sales Metric Report” as in the example below

** NOTE: you can leave out this step if you would like all products to be included in the report

Fig 1: Sales Metric Report - Add Custom Field

  2Click => Products

Edit any product/s that you would like to appear in the Report by scrolling down to “Custom Fields” and checking the “Sales Metric Report” box

** NOTE: you can leave out this step if you would like all products to be included in the report

Fig 2: Sales Metric Report - Add product/s

    3. To generate the report hover over “Tools” then click => Reports and select the “Sales Metric Report” from the dropdown list

Change the options to how you would like the report displayed

Click => Generate

=>Export to XLS

Fig 3: Sales Metric Report

Published Date: 23 November 2021

Updated Date:  4 June 2024

Engineer: PD

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