Grant Intent 2019

2019 Grant Intent

The Committee for Atascadero Public Schools (CAPS) was created to help the Atascadero Unified School District enrich the educational experience of its students through the awarding of grants to certificated AUSD teachers. 

CAPS does not provide funding for the following: 

Personnel Expenses: CAPS cannot provide substitutes for the implementation of grant awards, nor can it enhance or increase any district positions or add personnel to any school in any way. We can consider applications that involve outside contractors, professional development and experts that directly affect the success of the grants.

Items that are the Responsibility of AUSD: CAPS is specifically designed to enrich the students’ educational experience, not to compensate for any budget changes and/or shortfalls that may be experienced by AUSD as a whole or any school individually. CAPS will not fund textbooks, regular classroom supplies, or food/drink for students or chaperones.

Capital Improvements: CAPS will not contribute toward or provide any capital improvement projects for any school site. Items that have a direct role in the grant request and are not ordinarily provided by AUSD will be considered for funding.

It is a priority for CAPS to ensure that all schools, educational abilities, and grade levels are given fair and proportional consideration. All tangible property awarded in the form of a grant becomes the immediate property of AUSD and shall remain on the original school site awarded the grant.  Wherever possible, CAPS will directly purchase items or submit payments awarded in a grant. CAPS does not provide reimbursements to grant recipients or their agents.

By submitting a grant request, grant recipients agree to the following: CAPS grant funds must be used in full during the school year awarded and may not be carried over. CAPS grants must be used for the specific purpose intended. If that specific purpose cannot be fulfilled, the funds must be returned to CAPS and the proposal must be withdrawn.

If you have questions, contact CAPS Grant Chair, Nicole Hider, at