
What is It Then by Shir Zalcman

Welcome to the 40th online exhibition of the ArtisTTable, The Day After. Our las show, Art in the Time of Corona was filled with art that was created under the challenge of lockdowns and pandemic induced quarantines. While the world has moved ever so slowly towards getting past this crisis, we are still dealing with it. Even though awareness and vaccines are going up we really are not out of the woods yet. But we thought it would be about time for a healthy dose of hope and thinking about what will be next. Some of realize that things may never go back to how they once were. That is not necessarily always a bad thing. But hope for a better tomorrow is always going to be a healthy outlook. So we give you a new online show, The Day After.

Reviewing the submissions to any art exhibition is a task not for the faint of heart. We asked the ArtisTTable staff to join in and jury this show. Sometimes it is good to keep it in house and then share our thoughts on what has come in. We thank all the artists, that submitted their work, and thank everyone that worked on putting this show together with us.

Juror's Notes:

As mentioned earlier for this show we were truly interested in what everyone is hopeful for as we look ahead to the day after the pandemic. What we see as our new reality is very individualized. We were impressed by how positive everyone’s outlook appears. We know that art and artists make a difference to society. What we bring to the table actually does have an impact on those around us. Enjoy the show as much as we have. - ArtisTTable Staff

First Place:

Stompa - Liz Dillman

Liz Dillman is just masterful when it comes to applying graphite to a sheet of paper. Her ability to combine her pencil strokes together to give us the variety of textures that we can enjoy as soft fabric and or a wet splash of water is beautiful. In this drawing the transparency of the water is exquisite.

Second Place:

What is It Then - Shir Zalcman

Shir Zalcman's painting "What is It Then" poses an interesting question to be sure. Scrawling contour lines suggest forms that could be animal or some other organic forms that we might recognize. Colors and textures are ones we might expect in a prehistoric cave painting by a paleolithic color genius. So many questions and so satisfying to try and come up with the answers.

Third Place:

Cotton Candy - Lital Sagi

If ever there was a hope and a fantasy for "The Day After" any pandemic it would be to emerge into a candyland with cotton candy trees and other really fun sweets to explore to our hearts content. After a year or more, we are going to all deserve such a treat. Thank you Lital for giving us something to look forward to.

Honorable Mentions:

Sunset in the 6ix - Alison Lam

City life is not everyone's cup of tea, but it definitely has it's advantages and this photo of Toronto is an exhibition all unto itself of how fabulous cities can be. Alison made a a beautifully divided image with how she chose to bisect the sky with the CN Tower.

Traces of a Pandemic - Judity Novomiski

What is so intriguing about this sculpture is how well is shows how the pandemic has gotten in to each or our heads. No matter if it has given you more time to process your life or if you experienced great loss or illness it has made an impression on you. And since it is not really over even yet, the depths that it is going to burrow into us is only going to go deeper. The figures are intertwined in such a way that show both intimacy and loneliness at the same time.

Day Dreaming - Marina Leviton

Marina Levitan is a painter that is able to create atmosphere so well with the colors she chooses to manipulate on her canvas.

Cézanne said he was not so interested in painting what and apple looked like as much as he was interested in painting his perception of an apple.

Whether it is an interior space or cityscape as we see here, she is able to convince us as to just what it must have felt like for her to be in that place when she was there.

Sisters by Paul Pinzarrone

Sometimes you just have to get away. Like really get away. Like, get away from it all. Paul Pinzarrone is able to create unreal psychodelic universes that one can only imagine is what the inside of Timothy Leary's brain might have looked like. But maybe much more beautiful than Leary's brain ever could be. Pinzarrone's images are often filled with mythological narratives and wonders. Always an adventure of sensual and exotic fantasy of the most colorful variety.

Holy Dances/Caffeine - Piper Peterson

You know you have something when expansiveness can be flipped over and turned into something that you might find on a microscope slide. This particular painting seems to be a dichotomy of influences that span from her scientific background to her time she spends as a nurse in a psych ward. One might ask whose zoomin' who. One thing is clear that art, the act of creating something; of expressing something, and then sharing benefits the viewer as well as the creator.

Double Portrait - Shira vd Wouden

This double portrait is a surrealistic rendition of Shira and her boyfriend that is inspired by the style of the artist yyyaaannnnnniiiccckkk.

Ms. vd Wouden is an artistic chameleon that seems fearless enough to tackle any subject and or style of working.

Ever surprising yet...yet maybe it should be no surprise at all.

Tali's Choice:

Polar Bear - Theodore Beublein

I was drawn to the delicate treatment of that painting.. was wondering if a bear can feel so light...

Reading Ted's artist statement, it becomes more clear to me that it is not just a bear on ice.. Ted was actually painted this on location. We can feel the ice, the freezing air (and the freezing paint maybe?)

But most of it is the movement and the freedom of the brushstrokes. The limited pallet, emphasis the true location and its atmosphere. I recommend you all to read his statement.

Royce’s Choice:

Pirate Bay - Lily Lewit

This painting by Lily Lewit gives us all the things that we want from a landscape painting and a little more. We feel the sense of the day, the depth of the space so that we understand pretty clearly that we are looking at something that actually exists. But there is something more that Lily gives us with the details she provides throughout the painting. The fine brush that she uses, she goes over the entire surface of the canvas carefully marking reflective glints, textures and spaces between twigs.

At in the Time of Corona People's Choice Award:

We hope that you will all take the time to vote in the People's Choice Award for this special exhibition. Your vote will in fact help to determine the winner of this award. It's one more way that you can be part of the art.

We would like to announce that Frank Terenskeen is the winner of the People's Choice Award for our previous show, “Art in the Time of Corona. You can see Frank’s winning entry, Pond in the Woods by clicking Here.

The artwork chosen to represent this exhibition is by the SecondPlace winner, Shir Zalcman, titled, What is It Then.

If you read this far, we thank you very much, we appreciate your interest and engagement in the arts and in particular the work that has taken to put this show together. We truly appreciate all the artists in the show and the great work they do.

Now please Click Here and go enjoy “The Day After” now.

Art in The Day After Exhibition Artists:





TALI FARCHI - Netherlands