


Deborah Weintraub Perlman is a native of Baltimore, Maryland, and currently resides in South Florida. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Boston University School for the Arts, and a Master of Fine Arts Degree from Cranbrook Academy of Art. After graduate school, her life took a turn into the business world and she put her artistic endeavors on hold as she pursued a career in corporate communications and public relations. After ending her business career in 2018, Deborah started making art again and has exhibited her work at a number of area and online galleries.


“I moved from a hilly Caribbean island to my new home in South Florida over 25 years ago. My initial reaction to the landscape was less than enthusiastic – it seemed flat, both geographically and visually. Over the years, I have come to appreciate the beauty of this area. I am overwhelmed by the bounty -- the lush trees, flowers, plants, grasses and leaves -- I see every day. It is no longer flat – in any way!

I am inspired by the spatial qualities of these beautiful natural elements. Surface and structure form the basis of the work. Whatever the scene, my goal is to create a dynamic, provocative composition that celebrates planes, forms, shapes, and spaces.

My pieces begin with original photos, printed on drawing paper. The photos are then mounted in pieces with some pieces elevated to interpret the dynamics of the space and create a bas-relief effect. I then draw into the piece, to highlight and accentuate light, shadow, spaces and forms, until my vision is realized.”



Perlman Gallery