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***NEW Course Outline


Social Change

Assignments: Opinion Essay, Debate (written and oral assessment) - positions


Go-To: 24, 25, 28, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 24

Handouts: KWL, Agents of Change, Placemat Exercise, Mind Map, Debate Format, Gattaca Questions (Activities Link)

PowerPoints: Ancient History, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, History of Swearing, Theories of Change, External Factors, Internal Factors, Impact of Change

Media: TED talks - Great Leaders - Simon Sinek, Educational Paradigm - Sir Ken Robinson, 8th Fire - CBC, Nova - Vaccines, Dot.con - DocZone, CBC Marketplace - Vaccines, Gattaca (feature film), 100 basic signs

Collaborative projects: Agents of Change, Debate topics, Change theory teams - Cyclical, Conflict, Evolutionary, Structuralist-Functionalist, Challenge-Response, Theories explain 4 social changes: Abortion, Slavery, Marriage Equality, Death Penalty

Links/Apps: top 5 theories

Social Trends

Assignments: Advertisement, Article, Research Essay


Go-To: 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 23, 24, 25

Handouts: KWL, Placemat, Social Trends, Antisocial PD, Rites of Passage, Adolescent Trends

PowerPoints: Influences on Trends, Technology Trends, Deviance Theories

Lectures: Media Trends, Crime and Punishment, Mental Illness

Media: Cognitive Dissonance (youtube), The Social Network (Feature Film), DocZone - The psychopath next door, things you can't do when you're not a toddler

Collaborative projects: Social trends placemats, Social Media experiment, Golden Years slides

Links/Apps: trends arising from tech, trends arising from people, age-based laws, boomers, Cognitive Dissonance, Psychopathy Checklist