Welcome to Second Grade 2B Mr. Lee

Welcome to Second Grade with Mr. Lee at Antwerp Elementary.

Hello, I am Zach Lee. This is my eighth year of teaching elementary school. I am a 2014 Graduate of Defiance College. I grew up in Sherwood and went to Fairview High School and graduated in June of 2010. I currently live in Hicksville with my wife and our dog Bonnie.

Our second-grade classroom is cotaught with Mrs. Miller and myself. We will teach Reading, Writing, Phonics, and Math together. Our students will also be taught Science, Social Studies, and Art as well in class. We also have Mrs. Pendergrast to assist our students in their learning.

Thank you,

Hope to enjoy this school year and get to know you better.

If you need to contact me please use ClassDojo or the following:

Email: lee_z@antwerpschools.org

Phone: 419-258-5421 ext. 2212