Nov. 6, 2019

Post date: Nov 6, 2019 12:36:02 PM

  • Power of the Pen Callout Meeting during lunch on Thursday in Mrs. Stutsman’s room. (room 211)

    • Students: Please do not run and push while on your way to and from the lunch room. It is not safe in the hallways and is disrespectful. You are expected to walk maturely in the hallways and lunchroom at all times. 7th Grade you’ve been warned. If things don’t improve, you will lose your gym time!!!!

    • Thursday, Nov. 7th Winter Sports Picture Day:

    • 2:30 7th & 8th grade girls basketball

    • 2:45 JH Cheerleaders & Stats/Managers

    • 3:00 7th & 8th grade boys basketball

    • JH Boys Basketball: Ernst webstore deadline is Nov. 6th. GET YOUR GEAR ORDERED IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY!

    • Science Olympiad: Work sessions begin this Wednesday! Morning session is 7:15 am - 8. Afternoon sessions are 3:15-4:15 pm. You will learn event assignments at this time, please be there!

    • Everyone is invited to a Special Event this Sunday night from 6-7:00PM in the Milliette Aud. You will get to hear from Bevin Stanislaus, a National Javeline Athlete. Bevin is from Grenada West Indies and will be spreading God’s word through his story and mission. Bevin will speak about how God has called him back to his love of sports and use it to reach out to the youth of Grenada.

    • MATH COUNTS- Students interested in participating in Math Counts this year will need to see their math teacher to get a survey. Please fill it out and hand it back to your teacher. Once I have collected the interest surveys we will have our first meeting sometime in early November.

    • PALS will meet this Thursday after school (until 5:00) for an event.

    • Middle School Students- DANCE Saturday, November 9th from 7-9:30 in the aux gym. WE NEED SNACKS AND DRINKS!

    • Book Clubbers: We will meet Wednesday, Nov 13 during lunch to discuss Resistance. Remember: There is a great audio recording of this book on Hoopla. See Mrs. Rivera or Mrs. Stutsman if you are interested in listening to it.

    • There will be a pizza/pop party for all 8th graders, chaperones and staff who went on the DC trip on Nov. 21st from 3:15-4:15 in the cafeteria. We will watch some video/picture slideshow of the trip.

    • Clubs/Important Dates:

    • Science Olympiad - Wednesdays 7:15 - 8 am OR 3:15 - 4:15 pm

    • JH Boys Basketball: Ernst webstore deadline is Nov. 6th

    • FCA November 10th - 6-7:30

    • Book Club - November 13