Nov. 4, 2019

Post date: Nov 4, 2019 1:09:57 PM

  • Tuesday, Nov. 5th Skype Day:

  • 8:10-8:30Session 1Larger/Powell

  • 8:35-8:55Session 2Stutsman/Bruce

  • 8:58-9:18Session 3Snider/Maurer

  • 9:20-9:40Session 4Bergman/Althauser

  • 9:48-10:08Session 5Hemmelgarn/Folkert

  • 10:10-10:30Session 6Barhorst/McMahon

  • Thursday, Nov. 7th Winter Sports Picture Day:

  • 2:30 7th & 8th grade girls basketball

  • 2:45 JH Cheerleaders & Stats/Managers

  • 3:00 7th & 8th grade boys basketball

  • Mrs. Hemmelgarn’s 6th grade study will meet in Mrs. Snider’s room today, Monday, Nov. 4th.

  • Nov. 8th - The following 8th grade students will meet in the IMC this Friday at 8:15 to learn about an opportunity to take a Virtual High School Class next semester. Mrs. Rivera, Littlefield and Endsley will cover the information in about 30 minutes.

  • Eliza A., Marlie B., Thena B.Who is this?, Mara C., Logan D., Courtney D., Anthony G., Mallory H., Trey H., Keighlynn R., Aaron S. Blaine S., Jenn W., John Y., Troy Z.

  • Science Olympiad: Work sessions begin this Wednesday! Morning session is 7:15 am - 8. Afternoon sessions are 3:15-4:15 pm. You will learn event assignments at this time, please be there!

  • MATH COUNTS- Students interested in participating in Math Counts this year will need to see their math teacher to get a survey. Please fill it out and hand it back to your teacher. Once I have collected the interest surveys we will have our first meeting sometime in early November.

  • PALS will meet this Thursday after school (until 5:00) for an event.

  • Middle School Students- The MS Dance has been moved to Saturday, Nov. 9th. Aux. Gym- 7:00-9:30

  • Middle School Students- We are currently in need of drinks (water and juice) and snacks (chips and cookies) for the upcoming dance. Please bring your donations to Ms. Folkert’s room. Thank you!

  • Book Clubbers: We will meet Wedenesday, Nov 13 during lunch to discuss Resistance. Remember: There is a great audio recording of this book on Hoopla. See Mrs. Rivera or Mrs. Stutsman if you are interested in listening to it.

  • There will be a pizza/pop party for all 8th graders, chaperones and staff who went on the DC trip on Nov. 21st from 3:15-4:15 in the cafeteria. We will watch some video/picture slideshow of the trip.

  • Clubs/Important Dates:

  • Science Olympiad - Wednesday meetings start Nov. 6th

  • JH Boys Basketball: Ernst webstore deadline is Nov. 6th

  • Student Council- November 5th @ 7:30 a.m Ms. Folkert’s room

  • FCA November 10th - 6-7:30

  • Book Club - November 13