May 20, 2019

Post date: May 20, 2019 1:06:55 PM

    • Free summer Softball clinic for girls going into 7th and 8th grade. Forms are in the SS Office.

    • For tomorrow’s Awards Assembly, please dress-up, but also consider the Auditorium has been very warm.

    • Attention Student Council Members- On Monday, May 20th please report to Ms. Folkert’s room at 1:30 for your Leadership meeting with Cassie. This is STILL ON!

    • The AMS Student Council will be hosting the Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, May 21st from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. This year the location will be in the grassy area on the East side of the SS building.

    • 6th grade- 11:00 a.m.

    • 8th-12:00 p.m.

    • 7th- 12:20 p.m

    • Rain Date- Thursday, May 23rd

    • Any Student wishing to purchase a Yearbook. They are 15 dollars. You can come to Mr. Bruce’s class this week to get one.

    • Attention 7th graders- Field Day is being postponed until Monday. Please plan accordingly. Cassie will still be here in the morning for career activities so check the sign up sheets on Ms. Folkert’s door.

    • 8th grade: Forms for summer PE are in the high school office.

    • Student Council- Upcoming events……..Leadership Meeting and Ice Cream Social