May 16, 2019

Post date: May 16, 2019 1:20:50 PM

    • No MS Choir today due to the 2 hour delay schedule (HS Assemblies)

    • The following students need to report to Mr. Bruce’s room at 12:30 today: Addie W, Taylor D, Becca B, Triston S, Maddox D, Logan D, Derek M, and Seth H

    • All student council members are asked to meet Mrs. Endsley at the 7th grade doors at 11:20 today. Plan to be gone until 11:50.

    • 8th grade: Anyone interested in signing up for HS student council needs to do so by Thursday. There will be sign-up sheets in the office.

    • Attention Student Council Members- On Monday, May 20th please report to Ms. Folkert’s room at 1:30 for your Leadership meeting with Cassie.

    • The AMS Student Council will be hosting the Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, May 21st from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. This year the location will be in the grassy area on the East side of the SS building.

    • 6th grade- 11:00 a.m.

    • 8th-12:00 p.m.

    • 7th- 12:20 p.m

    • Rain Date- Thursday, May 23rd

    • Any Student wishing to purchase a Yearbook. They are 15 dollars. You can come to Mr. Bruce’s class this week to get one.

    • 8th grade: Forms for summer PE are in the high school office.

    • Student Council- Upcoming events……..Leadership Meeting and Ice Cream Social

    • School store hours: every day from 7:50-8:30, thank you for supporting!

    • MS Book Club- Next meeting May 15 in Mrs. Stutsman’s room during lunch.