Feb. 21, 2018

Post date: Feb 21, 2018 1:17:14 PM

    • Lunch room reminders:

    • YOU MUST WAIT TO BE CALLED TO GET IN LINE. 8TH grade main line is first, then 7th main line, 8th a la carte, 7th a la carte. If you get in line before these are called, you will be asked to go to the end of all lines.

    • The boys bathroom has had the stalls locked twice now. If caught, you will not have bathroom privileges.

    • Keep the noise level to a minimum. We will turn lights off to indicate it’s getting too loud. Once the third light switch turns off, all will sit in silence.

    • Students in the courtyard during 5B, every table must have 6 chairs. Do not take chairs from other tables. Also, this is a warning that all areas must remain clean. If left a mess, you will be removed for the remainder of the school-year.

    • You must stay in your original seats and not hop from seat to seat. Also, 7th graders sit on one-half and 8th grade on the other half.

    • Just a reminder that you are not allowed to bring anyone with you from other schools to the Middle School Dances. They are for Anna Middle School students only. This has always been the rule.

    • Power of the Pen will meet after school Thursday in Mrs. Stutsman’s room.

    • MS Book club will be meeting next week on Thursday, March 1 in the IMC during lunch.

    • Ski Club- Attention Ski Club members!

    • Feb 26th is our event! Bus leaves at 3:30 p.m. Please be at the 7th grade doors to load the bus! See Ms. Folkert with questions.

    • Tuesday Feb.20th will be Wednesday Feb. 21st menu and Wednesdays menu will be Tuesday’s menu. This is due to the FFA having their pizza party for the entire FFA plus additional 33 high school students being out.

    • Anybody that needs a new yearbook form can come and see Mr. Bruce.

    • Science Olympiad: meetings are Wed. 7:15 - 8am and 3:15 - 4:30pm. PLEASE WORK ON YOUR EVENTS ON YOUR OWN ALSO! Regional competition is March 17, there is lots to do!

    • Winners for last week’s Olympic Trivia are: 8th graders Kaylie Kipp and Lexi Koverman and 7th grader Ben Oldiges. After the announcements you may come to Mrs. H’s room for your prize. The answers for last week’s trivia were: 3 Gold medals and Sevenoaks, United Kingdom.

    • Remember to submit Week 3’s Olympic Trivia question!