Dec. 18, 2017

Post date: Dec 18, 2017 1:16:59 PM

    • Science Olympiad meetings are Wednesdays at 7:15-8am or 3:15-4:30pm.

    • Good Luck to our girls basketball teams as they host Russia tonight for games starting at 6:00.

    • Good Luck to our boys basketball teams as they host New Knoxville tonight for games starting at 6:00.

    • The Student Council students will be volunteering with the Holy Angels Soup Kitchen at the Alpha Center today from 10:00-1:00. The bus leaves at 9:30 and will arrive back around 1:30.

    • MS Book Club will meet December 19 (Tuesday) during lunch in the IMC. Please stop by the IMC to pick up a short story if you haven’t already.

    • The Canned Food Drive is quickly coming to an end. Thank you for those of you who have already donated. We do still have ONE day left. Please please please, get out to the stores and grab a few extra cans! You are helping community members in need. So far, we have collected over 901 cans! The current is leader is Mr. Bruce with 157 cans! A close second is Mrs. Snider with 154 cans!

    • You can help fight hunger by recommending books! Stop by the IMC and pick up a short book review form. For every book you review you’ll earn a canned good to donate!

    • The 7th grade boys basketball won against Houston with a score of 49-22. The 8th grade also won their game.

    • The 7th grade girls basketball team lost to St. Mary’s by 6 points and the 8th grade lost by 20.

    • The 7th grade will be participating in a locker decorating contest on Monday, December 18th. You will have Core Connect this morning to finish decorating your lockers! Also, wear your UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATERS on Tuesday, December 19th. All winners will be announced on Wednesday. Merry Christmas!