Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Post date: Oct 4, 2017 12:16:48 PM

Today's Bucket Filler Is: Donald Garrett for collecting leftover sweatshirts on the playground given by Mrs. Wuebker. Sophia Pohlman for working quietly given by Mrs. Schroer. Kaitlyn Chaffin helping the teacher get proper materials in the classroom given by Mrs. Christman. Keaton Sutter for being extra quiet at lunch given by Mrs. Schwieterman.Birthday's today: Isaac HarshbargerLunch today: Hamburger Sandwich, Vegetarian Beans, Pears, Pretzels, MilkTomorrow: Chicken Fingers, Carrots, Applesauce, Graham Crackers, MilkJoke of the Day: At what sport do waiters do really well?

Answer: Tennis, because they can serve so well.

The Anna Library is sponsoring a Family Food Drive on Sunday, October 8th from 1-4 pm at Anna Park. Bring your canned goods or non-perishable item for the St. Jacob Food Pantry to the park and win a prize for your class.

There is a lost and found table in front of the office.

Believe School Fundraiser Money and Forms need to be turned into the office on or by Friday.

Fact of the Day: Polar bear fur is transparent, not white.