Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Post date: May 23, 2018 2:50:05 PM

Good Morning Anna Elementary !!! This is Lydia Vasko and today is Wednesday, May 23rd. Please stand for the pledge.Today's Bucket Filler Is: Trenton Leugers for fixing the ball cart given by Mrs. Borchers. Iris Canan for being a good leader during Manufacturing Day given by Mrs. Luthman. Kaitlyn Chaffin for being responsible and honest given by Mr. VanBrocklin. Lucas Schulze for cleaning up without being asked given by Mrs. McEldowney. Eliza Casto for being a good leader during Manufacturing Day given by Mrs. Luthman. Isiah King for trying his best given by Mrs. Moore. Maria Heitkamp for doing extra math work for practice! She is getting ready for those 3rd grade teachers given by Mrs. Boerger.Birthday's today: Cynthia DavidsonLunch today: Sandwich, Veggie, Fruit, Snack, MilkTomorrow: Sack Lunch, Carrots, Applesauce Cup, Snack, Milk

Joke of the Day: What do pigs put on sore toes?

Answer: Oinkment

All library books are due !!!!

Fact of the Day: George Washington was the only unanimously elected President​.