Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Post date: Feb 28, 2018 1:11:03 PM

Today's Bucket Filler Is: Khali Warbington for cleaning up a spill in the lunch room given by Mrs. Luthman. Logyn McClain for having a great day of good choices given by Mrs. Eshleman. Valarie York for organizing the classroom library without being asked given by Mrs. Egbert. Kayley Wood for organizing the classroom library without being asked given by Mrs. Egbert.Birthday's today: Ethan Egbert, Jacob BerningLunch today: Hot Dogs, Spiral Fries, Peaches, Snack, MilkTomorrow: Turkey & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Fruit, Butter Bread, MilkJoke of the Day: What do you get when you cross a cow with a rabbit?Answer: Hare in your milkFact of the Day: Steel is 100% recyclable