Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Post date: Apr 24, 2019 11:34:20 AM

Good Morning Anna Elementary!!! This is Brock Swiger and today is Wednesday, April 24th. Today's Bucket Filler Is: Ethan Brunson for being a Voracious Reader given by Mrs. Brown. Griffin Pettus for giving Mr. Duncan a hand with equipment given by Mr. Duncan.Birthday's today: Cale Wannemacher, Charlie Hoying, Emma WuebkerLunch today: Corn Dogs, Green Beans, Peach Cup, Frozen Fruit Juice, MilkTomorrow: Pepperoni Pizza Breads Sticks, Romaine Salad, Mixed Berry Cup, Ice Animal Crackers, MilkJoke of the Day: How do hurricanes see?Answer: With one eye!There is no Enrichment today and permission slips are due today.

Start collecting your Box Tops, Tyson and School Spirit labels so your class could win ice cream. Competition will start May 1st and last till May 10th. Also, for every 10 labels you bring in-you get a chance to throw a pie at a teacher or Mr. Holtzapple. Start collecting!!!!

Come down before school--- this is the last week to get your pencils, erasers, and notebooks before the store closes for the year.

Fact of the Day: You exhale air at 15 m.p.h.