Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Post date: Nov 28, 2017 2:17:20 PM

Today's Bucket Filler Is: Aidan Russell for helping a fifth grade teachers get ready for Family Science Night given by Fifth Grade Teachers.Birthday's today: Kady Stewart, Ian BuehlerLunch today: Chicken Wraps, Green Beans, Black Beans, Mixed Fruit, Rice Krispy Treat, MilkTomorrow: Chicken Nuggets, Sweet Potatoes, Pears, Chocolate Chip Cookie, MilkJoke of the Day: Why did the chewing gum cross the road?Answer: It was stuck on the turkey's footDuring the Holiday Season, ask your family and friends to start saving the Box Tops, Tyson, and School Spirit labels. We will be having another competition at the beginning of the year. This competition will be with both teachers and students. So start saving!!!!

Student Council is sponsoring a canned food drive. Please bring in any canned or boxed food items that you wish to donate. You can put your items in the boxes in the lobby by the office. The canned food drive will run through Dec. 8th. Let's help those in need!

Student Council Pencil SALES have started! Stop down and buy yours before announcements in the morning! They are sold outside the office.

Pencils .25

Erasers .75

Fact of the Day: A male reindeer is called a buck and a female reindeer is called a Doe.