Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Post date: Feb 7, 2017 1:50:29 PM

Today's Bucket Fillers Are: Bryce Fleckenstein for sharing his candy bar given by Mrs Schwieterman.Miranda Hoying for helping clean up spilled food at lunch given by Mrs Moore. Ethan Brunson for doing his best on a test given by Mrs Borchers. Ava Wilson for always being a good listener and following directions given by Mrs Metzler.Birthday's today: Lily Holobaugh, Sam BaldonadoLunch today: Taco/Salsa, Corn, Mandarin Oranges, Rice Krispy Treat , MilkTomorrow: Hot Dog, Carrots, Apple Slices, Sun Chip Mix, MilkMemory Book order forms are due this Friday, Feb 10th.

Student Council will be selling Valentines at lunch all this week! Valentines include a card and a pencil and they cost 25 cents. If you'd like to purchase a Valentine for a friend, bring your quarter and you can buy one at lunch! They will be delivered to the classroom teachers at the end of the week.

Skating Party Monday Feb 13th 6:00-8:00. Wear pink or red to receive FREE CANDY!

Joke of the Day: What holds the sun up in the sky? Pause: Sunbeams!

Fact of the Day: A teaspoon contains 120 drops of water.