Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Post date: Feb 20, 2018 12:42:48 PM

Today's Bucket Filler Is: Alayna Pouder for cleaning up in the cafeteria given by Mrs. Platfoot. Carter Bergman for having a great day of behavior given by Mrs. Eshlelman. Gabe VanHook waiting patiently in the lunch line given by The Cooks. Blaiden Ford always picking up trash on our classroom floor given by Mrs. Brown.Birthday's today: Willow CananLunch today: Chicken Fingers, Broccoli, Peaches, Kid Munchies, MilkTomorrow: Chicken Drumstick, Green Beans, Applesauce Cup, Frozen Fruit Juice, MilkJoke of the Day: What is a cat's favorite color?Answer: PurrrpleBelieve Fundraiser orders and money is due on Friday, 23rd.

Pencils, Erasers and Notebooks are available for sale before school.

Fact of the Day: Over 50 percent of your body heat is lost through your head and neck.