Thursday, September 5, 2019

Post date: Sep 5, 2019 8:14:27 PM

Good Morning Anna Elementary!!!Today's Bucket Filler Is: Isiah Weinstock for being a terrific listener given by Mrs. Dye. Ella Warbington for helping Mrs. Dye to organize the class headphones given by Mrs. Dye.

Birthday's today: Faith Homan, Livi Heath

Lunch today: Hot Dogs, French Fries, Strawberry Cup, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Milk

Tomorrow: Stuffed Crust Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Banana, Fruit Snacks, Milk

Joke of the Day: Why couldn't the bicycle stand up?

Answer: Because it was two tired.

Please send down any forms to the office.

Attention Girls interested in being a Football Little Cheerleader: You must have your forms and money turned into the office tomorrow.

Fact of the Day: The housefly hums in the key of F.