Thursday, November 3, 2016

Post date: Nov 3, 2016 12:40:39 PM

Today's Bucket Filler Is: Parker Hoying for sharing his eraser with another student given by Mrs. Arnold. Carson Worthington for helping to clean up at lunch given by Mrs. Schwieterman. Myron Parke for holding the door open voluntarily for others given by Mrs. Iiams. Eli Smith for being mature about a situation he didn't think was fair given by Mrs. Ihle.Birthday's today: Emily FullerLunch today: Corn Dogs, Broccoli, Pears, Rice Krispy Treats, MilkTomorrow: Tenderloin Sandwich, Carrots, Mandarin Oranges, Graham Crackers, Milk

Math-a-Thon money will need to be turned into the office tomorrow.

We have until the end of November to hand in Sunny D labels to receive 20 books. If you have any Sunny D, bring them in and you will get credit on the next competition.

Boys and Girls Basketball Forms and Money will need to be turned into the office tomorrow.

We have until the end of November to hand in Sunny D labels to receive 20 books. If you have any Sunny D, bring them in and you will get credit on the next competition.

Red Ribbon Week:

Today: Turn Away from Drugs and wear your clothes inside out

Tomorrow: Drugs are wacky, wear crazy hair and socks

Fact of the Day: In Albania, nodding your head means no and shaking your head means yes.