Thursday, November 17, 2016

Post date: Nov 17, 2016 1:16:10 PM

Today's Bucket Filler Is: Abigail Stroh for being respectful during the Veterans Day program rehearsal given by Ms. Dziedzic. Rhylan Platfoot for letting an adult pass before him in the hallway given by Mrs. Michael. Levi Hoying for being a great helper to me given by Mrs. Brown.Birthday's yesterday: Makenna Pettus, Samuel McClay, Grant Beckman

Birthday's today: Wyatt Howell

Lunch today: Tacos, Black Beans, Corn, Pears, Frozen Fruit Juice, Milk

Tomorrow: Popcorn Chicken, Carrots, Mixed Fruit, Sun Chip Mix, Milk

The Student Council will be holding a canned food drive until Dec. 9th. Please help support those in need this holiday season, and bring in canned food items. Boxes will be in the lobby.

We have until the end of November to hand in Sunny D labels to receive 20 books. If you have any Sunny D, bring them in and you will get credit on the next competition.

Fact of the Day: It takes an interaction of 72 muscles to produce human speech.