Thursday, March 5, 2020

Post date: Mar 5, 2020 1:11:43 PM

Good Morning Anna Elementary!!! This is Meredith Poppe and it is Thursday, March 5th National Cheese Doodle Day!!!Today's Bucket Fillers Are: Andie Moran for cleaning the cafeteria given by Mrs. Schwieterman. Daniel Bertke for being a hard worker each day during writers workshop given by Mrs. Schloss. Ayva Fogt for working well with her partners during music class given by Mrs. Christman.Birthdays today: Bailey WatkinsLunch today: Tenderloin Sandwich, Corn, Strawberry Cup, Cheddar Goldfish, MilkTomorrow: Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza, Salad, Banana, Sun Chips, MilkJoke of the Day: What runs but never walks?Answer: A hoseStudent Council Challenges you to MARCH MADNESS:

March 2-6: Most Behaved Grade Level During Lunch will receive an extra recess K is currently getting the most votes for BEST behaved at LUNCH!! You have the rest of the week...keep working on making the best choices at lunch and picking up after yourself!

NEXT WEEK: March 9-13 St. Co. will be collecting POP TABS! (One week only!) If your grade level fills 2 buckets- they will earn a MOVIE!! Bring in your pop tabs!


There will be skating party tonight!! Theme is "School Spirit." Wear your Anna gear .

Fact of the Day: Thomas Jefferson (Third President) was the main author of the Declaration of Independence and was the first president to be inaugurated in Washington D.C.