Thursday, March 14, 2019

Post date: Mar 14, 2019 8:50:46 PM

Good Morning Anna Elementary!!! This is Grant Beckman and today is Thursday, March 14th. Today's Bucket Filler Is: Liam Puleo for politely pointing out ice on the sidewalk to a younger student so she wouldn't slip given by Mrs. Shoemaker. Jenner Delzeith putting away books in our library given by Mrs. BrownLunch today: Hot Dog, Spiral Fries, Mandarin Oranges, Doritos, MilkTomorrow: Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza, Romaine Salad, Applesauce, Frosted Cookie, MilkJoke of the Day: How is a best friend like a 4-leaf clover?Answer: Because they are hard to find and lucky to have.Keep bringing in the pop tabs.Bring your Spring Believe Fundraiser in tomorrow.

Order your Spring pictures by March 20th.

Art Club meeting tonight from 3:15 to 4:30. Please have ride arranged.

Fact of the Day: India has more English speakers than the United States.