Thursday, December 19, 2019

Post date: Dec 19, 2019 1:32:24 PM

Good Morning Anna Elementary!!! This is Kolson Kinninger and today is Thursday, December 19th and it is National Hard Candy Day.Todays Bucket Filler Is: Uriah VanHoose for cleaning up after inside recess given by Mrs. Schroer. Breanna Axe for offering to help given by Mrs. Schwieterman. Birthdays today: NoneLunch today: Hamburger, Carrots & Dip, Apple Slices, Frosted Cookie, MilkTomorrow: Mini Corn Dogs, Green Beans, Applesauce Cup, Candy Cane Ice Cream, MilkJoke of the Day: Why did Santa go to college for music?Answer: So he could improve on his wrapping skills.Attention 5th grade boys: Basketball forms and money are due tomorrow before Christmas break!

Check out the lost and found in front of the office.

Student Council will have pencils, erasers, and notebooks on sale before school.

Don't forget over the Holidays to keep collecting Box Tops and Tyson labels or have your parents download the app. Check the chart out by the canned goods to see what you are working on next!!!

Fact of the Day: The Christmas wreath is a symbol of love and eternal life