November 4, 2019

Post date: Nov 4, 2019 3:20:41 PM

Good Morning Anna Elementary this is Serenity Echols and today is Monday, November 4th and today is National Candy DayToday's Bucket Filler Is: Thalia Almanza for playing with someone who needed a friend at recess given by Mrs. Eshleman. Griffin Pettus cleaning up dirt that was on the floor given by Mrs. Leugers.Birthdays today: Mathis BoggsLunch today: Hot Dogs, Spiral Fries, Mandarin Oranges, Cookie, Milk

Tomorrow: TACO TUESDAY: Soft Taco, Black Beans, Green Beans, Pineapple, Cinnamon Sticks, Milk

Joke of the Day: What makes a skeleton laugh?

Answer: When something tickles his funny bone.

Attention Student Council Members: There will be a meeting after school tomorrow in Mrs. Borchers room until 3:45. Please have ride arranged.

Fact of the Day: The name of the city of Portland, Oregon was decided by a coin toss. The name that lost was Boston.