Monday, September 26, 2016

Post date: Sep 27, 2016 11:27:36 AM

Today's Bucket Filler Is: Jenner Delzeith for saying thank you to Mrs. Watkins for teaching him about bus safety given by Mrs. Watkins. Myles Marlow in Kindergarten for following all of the rules during a restroom break given by Mrs. Schloss. Landon Swiger for helping a friend turn off his computer without being asked given by Mrs. Althauser. Sophia Brewer for following directions given by Mrs. Swiger. Birthday's today: Keith Homan, Abigail PrengerLunch today: Hot Dog, Spiral Fries, Pears, Fruit Snacks, MilkTomorrow: Walking Tacos, Green Beans, Black Beans, Mandarin Oranges, Chocolate Chip Cookie, MilkFall Fundraiser Order Forms and Money need to be turned in today after announcements.Bring in your Box Tops, Sunny D, Tyson, and School Spirit labels to earn points. Remember the Sunny D is worth 10 points. Please bring items down after announcements. Good Luck.

Fact of the Day: Abraham Lincoln was the tallest U.S. President at 6' 4". James Madison was the shortest at 5'4".