Monday, September 24, 2018

Post date: Sep 24, 2018 12:15:26 PM

Good Morning Anna Elementary!!! This is Larissa Mahan and today is Monday, September 24th. Please stand for the pledge. Today's Bucket Filler Is: Jenner Delzeith for getting ahead on his homework and using his time wisely given by Mrs. Brown. Makenzie Mumaw for volunteering her study hall time to help her teacher given by Mrs. Egbert.Birthday's today: Bera Sliter, Tyler HoelscherLunch today: Cheese Quesadilla, Corn, Mandarin Oranges, Frosted Cookie, MilkTomorrow: Popcorn Chicken, Broccoli, Peaches, Kid Munchies, MilkJoke of the Day: Where does a baseball player go when he needs a new uniform?Answer: New JerseyIf you want to eat with your parents and grandparents? Bring your visitor's form to the office by Friday.

Today is the last day to hand in the Cheerleading form and money for Little Cheer. Please bring down after announcements.

Bring down your Box Tops and labels after announcements with your name and your teacher's name.

Fact of the Day: Armadillos have four babies at a time and they are always all the same sex.