Monday, September 12, 2016

Post date: Sep 12, 2016 11:42:59 AM

Today's Bucket Filler Is: London Reiss for picking up extra materials on the playground given by Mrs. Wuebker. Elijah Smith for working very hard in math given by Mrs. Luthman. Nolan Howell for being respectful by stopping in hallway to let other students pass by given by given by Mrs. Egbert. Bera Sliter for being quiet in line given by Mrs. Arnold.Birthday's today: Fletcher McKinneyLunch today: Corn Dogs, Baked Beans, Pineapple, Apple Fruit Pocket, MilkTomorrow: Chicken Nugget, Broccoli, Pears, Bread & Butter, MilkRunner's Club tomorrow.Starting on Wednesday, we will start the first box top competition. This will be a grade level competition. The grade level with the most collected will win a pizza party.

Bring in Box Tops, Tyson, Sunny D, and School Spirit. Remember the Sunny D is worth 10 points.

Fact of the Day: A baby caribou can outrun its mother at 3 days old.