Monday, May 22, 2017

Post date: May 22, 2017 11:39:04 AM

Today's Bucket Filler Is: Emmy Myers for working quietly in class given by Mrs. Shoemaker. Osvaldo MĂ©ndez for holding the door for friends given by Mrs. Moore.Birthday's today: Abbey Goerge, Logan Buehler, Maura Hurley, Sean LargerJuly 22nd: Mara CathcartAugust 22nd: Lane Howell, Tyson VaubelLunch today: Hot Dogs, Green Beans, Pears, Cinnamon Sticks, MilkTomorrow: Chicken Nuggets, Sweet Potatoes, Applesauce, Snack, Milk

Joke of the Day: What has fangs and webbed feet? Answer: Count Duckula

All Library books are due !!!!

Just a Reminder: There will be no charging on lunch accounts. You must have $2.35 on account to eat a lunch. No NEGATIVE BALANCES!!!

Fact of the Day: Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.