Monday, August 27, 2018

Post date: Aug 27, 2018 11:42:16 AM

Good Morning Anna Elementary!!! This is Logan Buehler and today is Monday, August 27th. Please stand for the pledge.Today's Bucket Filler Is: Emma Echols for having a wonderful day with good listening ears given by Mrs. Eshlmen. Mia Ahrens for making good choices and being a good listener given by Mrs. Eshleman.Birthday's today: Brayden WhiteheadLunch today: Shredded Chicken Sandwich, Green Beans, Mandarin Oranges, Cinnamon Sticks, MilkTomorrow: Hamburgers, Tater Tots, Peaches, Kid Munchies, MilkJoke of the Day: What do you call a baby monkey?Answer: A chimp off the old block.Tomorrow is Picture Day!!! Have your Smiles ready.

Fact of the Day: A group of monkeys are known as a "tribe", "troop" or "mission"