Monday, April 29, 2019

Post date: Apr 30, 2019 11:20:00 AM

Good Morning Anna Elementary!!! This is Larissa Mahan and today is Monday, April 29th.Today's Bucket Filler: Bailey Sekas for being a voracious reader given by Mrs. Brown. Isiah Weinstock for being a great role model to the other students given by Mrs. Michael.June 29th: Ava Wilson

Lunch today: Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Fruit, Muffin, Milk

Tomorrow: Chicken Nuggets, Green Beans, Peaches, Kid Munchies, Milk

Joke of the Day: Why was the pine tree sent to its room?

Answer: Because it was being knotty!

Start collecting your Box Tops, Tyson and School Spirit labels so your class could win ice cream. Competition will start on Wednesday and last till May 10th. Also, for every 10 labels you bring in-you get a chance to throw a pie at a teacher or Mr. Holtzapple. Start collecting!!!! Also, the class that collects the most will get ice cream!!!

The last day to check out library books from the school library is Friday, May 3rd. All books will need to be turned in by Friday, May 10th.

Check out the Lost and Found in front of the office!!

Fact of the Day: Butterflies were formerly known by the name Flutterby.